PSP PSN Official Encrypted vs Unofficial Decrypted, something is off.

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PSP PSN Official Encrypted vs Unofficial Decrypted, something is off.

Post by Fugus »

I am still messing around with it so I might add other stuff later but I noticed when it comes to "Ape Quest" for the USA.

The Official Encrypted set has it labeled as a full game with no US Demo of it while the Unofficial Decrypted version has it labeled as a Demo with no official US release. Which is it?

I am leaning toward the Official release being more accurate as there is also DLC for it with a US region as well.

Noticed something else off but not able to check it out but wanted to point this out while I could still remember.

Breath of Fire III (USA, Europe)
R-Type Command (USA)
Uncharted 2 - Among Thieves - Digital Treasure Map (USA)
Rapala Trophies (USA)
SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Tactical Strike (USA)
Summon Night 5 (USA)
Summon Night 5 (USA) (v2.00)

seems to be missing entirely from the unofficial dat. Out of 404 actual games. These are all games that were in the official encrypted set but missing from the Unofficial decrypted one along with the one I originally made this post about which as far as I can tell is misclassified one one of them.

Haven't check DLC or updates or anything else yet. And my collection is only the US collection from the official collection minus the demos which I removed. But using the original, untouched, dats and notepad to look into the missing stuff as I find them.

And, "LocoRoco - Midnight Carnival - Official Strategy Guide (USA)" appears to have 2 entries in the unofficial dat as both a normal game ISO and as a DLC which doesn't seem to make sense.

Also on the official encrypted stuff, it also has "LocoRoco - Midnight Carnival - Official Strategy Guide (USA)" but when extracting it it says its a "DLC or Add On"

Edit again: Was trying to convert a full official set to the unofficial one, but the differences and missing stuff on the unofficial just feels worrying. Think it might be a good idea to wait for the next update to the unofficial one first.

Also, "New Adventure Island" is a TGX game.
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Re: PSP PSN Official Encrypted vs Unofficial Decrypted, something is off.

Post by rarenight »

The Encrypted DAT is the source for the Unofficial Decrypted DAT. Ideally these two DATs should be 1:1 mirrors of each other. A while back I added hundreds of new entries to the Decrypted DAT, but I stopped about halfway through to focus on other projects. As a result it's fundamentally incomplete and needs to be updated.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2022 17:50

Re: PSP PSN Official Encrypted vs Unofficial Decrypted, something is off.

Post by Fugus »

Thanks for the response. If/When you update it later and add the missing titles, please make sure to check the game "Ape Quest" since its labeled as Demo while the official doesn't label it as one.
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