Just don't have time to keep up downloading individual dats daily, but dealing with all the dats in the Love Pack is too onerous?
Well, if any of that sounds like you, I've created a PowerShell script that will:
- Search your current ROM manager's dat directory (and will recurse sub-directories if configured to do so)
- Identify the No-Intro dats that you currently have
- Then will extract the Love Pack zip that you downloaded and only keep the dats that you are already tracking in your ROM manager
To configure the script, download the attachment and either "right-click -> Edit" it or open the script in your preferred text editor (e.g., Notepad, Notepad++, UltraEdit, etc.).
There are 4 variables that need to be configured at the top of the script:
- Set your ROM manager's dat directory
- Choose whether or not to recursively search sub-directories in that ROM manger dat directory
- Set your download path for the No-Intro Love Pack zip
- Choose whether to only retain NEWER versions of dats you already have or keep ALL versions (new + current) of dats you have (in case you want to refresh all of your dats)
To be able to execute as a PowerShell script rename the extension of the attached text file from .txt to .ps1 (the forums, for your safety, won't allow a .ps1 extension as PowerShell scripts can potentially be dangerous if they are coded to be malicious).
I created this script myself and have had no issues with it, but I can't make an guarantees its bug free. If there are any bugs that are experienced, please reply here and I'll try to address them.
2024-08-08 UPDATE:
- Script has been updated to include support for "Aftermarket" dats
- Script now notifies you if you have older revisions of dats (i.e., if you have two dats from the same system but different timestamps, it will flag the older timestamp so you can manually remove the old dat)
- Script now has the option to merge Aftermarket and Standard dats into a single dat (i.e., reverting to the same way they were handled prior to the split of separate Aftermarket and Standard dats).
- So why would this be better? Well, if you don't mind more files in a single ROM directory, less dats are easier to manage. Also, if you manually are downloading individual dats and checking [X] Machine Life Span and [X] Aftermarket, the DoM will produce a zipped dat file named like the standard dat, so this new option in the script essentially makes the Love Pack data compatible with individually downloaded dats.