Colecovision needs you!!!

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Colecovision needs you!!!

Post by root »

Rif: 2137 Colecovision needs you!!! \ moa on 12th May 2008, 12:38 wrote:

hello everybody!!

i'm just a simple user of the no-intro dats and want to point out some various notes I've noticed about the Colecovision roms

Last day, I've tried MEKA ( a great emulator which include a database+rom check option

According to the MEKA database (which I think is reliable) there are a few errors in the latest Coleco no-intro dat:
- Buck Rogers BAD
- Decathlon BAD
- Learning with Leeper BAD
- Pitstop BAD (a good version exists in Tosec set)
- Popeye BAD (a good version exists in Tosec set)
- River Raid BAD
- Super Cobra BAD

I've checked latest Coleco Tosec vs Meka db and there are no good dumps known for the mentioned roms. According to meka notes and docs, there are plenty of bad roms floating around the net since years.

So, I think they definitively need a redump

On the other side, I've noticed several graphix glitches playing a few games
on emulation (MEKA+MESS+BLUEMSX) that need confirmation against real hardware. Halas I Don't own myself a Coleco , so if someone with real hw can confirm It would be great. thanks

Gfx glitch at the lower left of the panel + ingames corrupt sprites
(See attachment)
Even if a supposed good dump exists, look at the blocks near the stairs on the left. Sometimes Popeye hat looks suspicious too.
(See attachment)
Sector Alpha:
start a game, go down, big gfx glitch on lower part. 3 Tosec sets tested with same result. More visible in Tosec "original"
(See attachment)
Well Here are my results. but I'm not a Coleco expert so help is welcome
I've informed Meka author and D. Bienvenu about this thread. With the talented dumpers out there, alltogether we can clean this mess !!

Thank you for reading


PS: sorry for my poor english


Re: Colecovision needs you!!! \ generalleoff on 12th May 2008, 18:21 wrote:

Are you running them through SMS Checker or just visually comparing to the MEKA database?

I have known of discrepancy's between the ColecoVision dats for a while but the SMS Checker database has not been worked on for some time now. Discrepancy's exist among the SEGA Z80 based machines SMS checker scans as well but for now just ColecoVision

Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom (UE).zip = BAD and needs redump
ColecoVision Monitor Test (UE).zip = BAD and needs redump
Decathlon (U).zip = BAD and needs redump
Learning With Leeper (U).zip = BAD and needs redump
Mountain King (U) (Alt).zip = fixable bad dump. 1 wrong byte. duplicate of Mountain King (U).zip
Mr Do's Castle (U).zip = overdumped by 4KB. becomes 546F2C54
Nova Blast (U).zip = hacked. [no bumper screen]
Pitstop (U).zip = fixable bad dump. becomes 81BE4F55
Popeye (U).zip = fixable bad dump. becomes A095454D
Quest for Quintana Roo (U) (Alt).zip = fixable bad dump. 1 wrong byte. duplicate of Quest for Quintana Roo (U).zip
River Raid (U).zip = BAD and needs redump
Super Cobra (U) (Alt).zip = BAD and needs redump
Super Cobra (U).zip = BAD and needs redump

You have:

Commercial roms: 135 of 192
Hacks: 1 of 13
BIOSes: 1
Bad dumps: 7 (0 fixable)
Total: 144 (137 "good" and 7 "bad")

This program knows about 299 "good" roms and 47 "bad" ones.

Total scan time for this format: 0.251s

You have 28 unknown roms!

52B61431 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress (U).zip 32768
D464E5E4 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (UE).zip 24576
51DEB762 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show (UE).zip 32768
2509EF63 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Dance Fantasy (U).zip 16384
989E4993 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Facemaker (U).zip 16384
8A731B38 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Fall Guy (E) (Proto).zip 16384
AACD84DF F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Final Test Cartridge (U).zip 16384
E9DF779A F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Fraction Fever (U).zip 16384
0522EBDD F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Frenzy! (UE).zip 24576
20502339 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Frogger (U).zip 16384
E16E0917 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Frontline (UE) (Alt).zip 24576
FE1D0B6A F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Galaxian (U).zip 32768
C9C27F92 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Heist, The (U).zip 24576
EE5A1ED0 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Juke Box (U).zip 16384
B46635A5 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Linking Logic (U).zip 16384
88808CFA F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Memory Manor (U).zip 16384
07E0E4A1 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Mousetrap (UE).zip 16384
4E0EDB24 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Ms. Space Fury (U) (Unl).zip 32768
5E3C66F4 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Sector Alpha (U).zip 24576
C5C80FB4 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Skiing (U).zip 16384
176EB9C3 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop (UE).zip 32768
43F03C6F F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Super Action Baseball (UE).zip 32768
1EDF2E7D F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Tank Wars (U).zip 16384
C168FE06 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Tournament Tennis (U).zip 32768
291A0004 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Tunnels & Trolls (UE) (Demo).zip 32768
F80D1770 F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Tutankham (U).zip 16384
960CBE1E F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\Video Hustler (E) (Proto).zip 16384
077A8DFA F:\Download\Mozilla Firefox\Coleco - ColecoVision\War Room (U).zip 32768

missing dumps:

- Alcazar - The Forgotten Fortress
- Antarctic Adventure (b)
- Aquattack (b)
- BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (32k)
- Buck Rogers Supergame (Adam)
- Cabbage Patch Kids Picture Show
- Choplifter (b)
- Cosmic Avenger (b)
- Dance Fantasy
- Facemaker
- Fall Guy [Proto]
- Fraction Fever
- Frenzy! [A]
- Frenzy! (b)
- Frogger
- Frontline (b)
- Galaxian [A]
- Galaxian [C]
- Galaxian [D]
- Heist (The) [A]
- Heist (The) (b)
- Juke Box
- Jumpman Junior (b)
- Linking Logic
- Memory Manor
- Miner 2049er (b)
- Monkey Academy [C]
- Moonsweeper [A]
- Mousetrap
- Mr Do! (b)
- Nova Blast
- Number Bumper
- Pitstop (b)
- Robin Hood (b)
- Sammy Lightfoot [A]
- Sector Alpha [A]
- Sector Alpha (b)
- Sector Alpha [C]
- Skiing
- Sky Jaguar
- Smurf Paint 'n Play Workshop
- Space Fury (b)
- Strike It! [A]
- Subroc (b)
- Super Action Football (b)
- Super Cross Force [A]
- Super Sketch
- Super-Action Baseball [A]
- Super-Action Baseball (b)
- Tank Wars
- Test Cartridge
- Tournament Tennis
- Tunnels & Trolls (Adam) (Demo)
- Tutankham
- Video Hustler [Proto]
- War Room (24k)
- War Room (32k)

Total: 57 roms.


Re: Colecovision needs you!!! \ moa on 12th May 2008, 19:59 wrote:

Well, I've just checked the bad roms with MEKA file browser. The MEKA version is 0.72 done in 2007 so the db might be the latest :oops:

good job anyway :P It's a good start


Re: Colecovision needs you!!! \ generalleoff on 15th May 2008, 10:08 wrote:

Guess I'll list the other discrepancy's. They are all minor compared to ColecoVision.

These are the missing ROMs scanned by the Master System database in SMS Checker. The MEKA version of this database might be revised. Most of these games are excluded for an obvious reason though. The only notable misisng dumps here are Olympic Gold and Spy vs Spy [Display Unit] and I think they are both unreleased.

- Dr. HELLO (KR)
- Game Box Serie Esportes (BR)
- Jang Pung II [SMS-GG] (KR)
- Olympic Gold
- Phantasy Star [Megadrive] (JP)
- R.C. Grand Prix [SMS-GG] (b)
- Spy vs Spy [Display Unit]
- Super Boy II (KR)
- Super Futebol II (BR)
- Super Tetris (KR)
- Wimbledon (BR)

According to the SMS Checker GameGear database some No-Into ROMs are incorrect. Again the latest MEKA database might be revised.

Ecco the Dolphin (USA).zip = fixable bad dump
Surf Ninjas (USA).zip = fixable bad dump
Frogger (USA) (Proto).zip = overdump
Poker Faced Paul's Poker (USA, Europe).zip = overdump

Two ROMs are missing but are probably intentionally excluded as they are likely bad dumps.

- Wagan Land [A] (JP)
- Wagan Land [C] (JP)

On the SG-1000 side of things only one ROM is missing and it's apparently intentional.

- Doki Doki Penguin Land (HK)


Re: Colecovision needs you!!! \ neoforma on 15th May 2008, 16:57 wrote:

I believe SMS Frogger was reported some time ago as an overdump.


Re: Colecovision needs you!!! \ generalleoff on 16th May 2008, 03:55 wrote:

Oh and instead of starting a new thread I have been meaning to post this for some time as well. Assuming no one else has already.

[BIOS] Genesis TMSS (USA).md in the Genesis no-into set is apparently overdumped. It should be 2 KB instead of 16 KB as per the system specs listed on Wikipedia.

"There are 2 KB (KiB) of Boot ROM, which is also known as the "Trademark Security System" (TMSS)."

Wikipedia is not the most trustworthy source but this information seems to check out as the ROM has 14 KB of 0x00 on the end of the file.
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