Can someone tell me if this stuff is on the dat?
What I can read:
...something... System
What is inside is pretty surprising: a regular mask rom AND a flash rom!!!
Re: What the hell is this? \ NGEfreak on 21st March 2007, 11:09 wrote:
Hmm, interesting. Maybe related to JRA PAT (J) and/or JRA PAT - Wide Baken Taiyou (J)?
Re: What the hell is this? \ Yakushi~Kabuto on 21st March 2007, 11:14 wrote:
Yes certainly, they all :
have that NTT...NDSF logo
have black cases
are about horses
I hope the mask rom has some undumped data
This is the first time I see MASK + FLASH in a snes pcb
Re: What the hell is this? \ asapy on 21st March 2007, 11:46 wrote:
The title is "Zaitaku Touhyou System - SPAT4-Wide - Minami Kantou Keibajou Denwa Touhyou Center"
hopefully, it's undumped one.