More info on 2 roms needed please, anyone?

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More info on 2 roms needed please, anyone?

Post by root »

Rif: 1081 More info on 2 roms needed please, anyone? \ paulypoos on 31st December 2006, 10:06 wrote:

Hi, I noticed that there are 2 entrys on the NO-INTRO gba dat which dont seem to feature on the numbered one and I was wondering what on earth they are and if there were any numbers ever attached to them for reference, they are:

Famicom Mini - Kido Senshi ZGundam Hot Scramble (J)

Morning Adventure, The (S)

Do they even exist???? ever been dumped???


Re: More info on 2 roms needed please, anyone? \ xuom2 on 31st December 2006, 10:37 wrote:

they were dumped from promotional carts. that's why they were not numbered.


Re: More info on 2 roms needed please, anyone? \ kazumi213 on 31st December 2006, 12:51 wrote:
Hi, I noticed that there are 2 entrys on the NO-INTRO gba dat which dont seem to feature on the numbered one and I was wondering what on earth they are and if there were any numbers ever attached to them for reference, they are:

Famicom Mini - Kido Senshi ZGundam Hot Scramble (J)

Morning Adventure, The (S)

Do they even exist???? ever been dumped???
In fact, there are up to 4 ROMs included in the unnumbered (pure) No-Intro GBA DAT not listed in the numbered DAT:

Famicom Mini - Dai 2 Ji Super Robot Taisen (J)
Famicom Mini - Kido Senshi ZGundam Hot Scramble (J)
Famicom Mini Vol. 01 - Super Mario Bros. (J) (v1.0) (Hot Mario Campaign)
Morning Adventure, The (S)
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