for years I found one interesting GBC game on eBay and buy it. I think its a hack or maybe an unknown pirate game. Maybe someone here know more.
Here some pictures from the cartridge and Box.
Space Fighter X / Fantasywar scans: http://www.fortunecity.de/kraftwerk/gol ... hterx.html
Most interesting, it show many Final Fantasy pictures, thats the main reason why I buy it. On the cartridge and Box it show pictures from Final Fantasy VIII. On the back from the box are 4 small pictures, which are from Final Fantasy IX.
When I start the game it play first a intro which seems to be from Final Fantasy too. 4 Crystals appear and then 4 heros. A Knight, a Chocobo, a Bowman and a Black Magic.
Then the titlescreen show the picture from the NES or WonderSwan Color game Final Fantasy II (not the USA version, the real II from NES).
And the game called here Fantasywar.
I have make now some movies on the GameBoy Player which show a bit from the game.
I uploaded the complete Intro here without Sound:
Fantasywar Intro http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8747&hl=en
After I start the game I can choose one from 4 characters. All which I already listed. There is a map, where I just can choose the next stage. The Stage itself looks like a fighting game ala Turtles or Battle Toads. I must walk from the left to the right and fight against some enemies which appear. It looks a bit 3D, so I can walk up and down too.
Here a video from the Character Select and a bit from the first Stage.
Fantasywar beginning http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 7510&hl=en
Has someone ever see this game before? Maybe under a different name with different characters? I have found nothing about this game.
I have play it for years very long, but I am not sure if this will ever end. I quite after some time. You must finish a Stage and then you can choose the next on the map.
PS: I hope my english is not to bad and that everyone understand what I try to say (or write ).
The main reason why I write it, I want to know if this is a hack or maybe a new game. Exist new unknown pirate games for GBC at all?
I heard from NES that there exist some, but GBC?
Re: Unknown GBC game. Space Fighter X / Fantasywar \ xuom2 on 11th July 2006, 18:32 wrote:
MODERATION (some posts deleted).
please remember this is a public forum.
Re: Unknown GBC game. Space Fighter X / Fantasywar \ liquitt on 11th July 2006, 22:22 wrote:
haha that looks so f**king bad! FF VIII Boxart, GBA on GB Cart and whatnot...so bad it has to be a pirate, a bad one...
Nice find tho and a nice item to have in a collection
Re: Unknown GBC game. Space Fighter X / Fantasywar \ SolidSnake on 11th July 2006, 22:31 wrote:
Dont talk to many crap! Ok FF8 Boxarts looks pirated but any game on a real cartridge is interesting!!! We want a dump! Pirated or Unlicensed! Everything!!!
Re: Unknown GBC game. Space Fighter X / Fantasywar \ liquitt on 12th July 2006, 09:49 wrote:
i hope this was dumped yet, otherwise all ROM-kids will go crazy because their GoodGBC is incomplete :\
Re: Unknown GBC game. Space Fighter X / Fantasywar \ Magnetic_dud on 12th July 2006, 14:43 wrote:
imo it was dumped and it's an hack of something.
I have this....
imo it's an hack of another game
Re: Unknown GBC game. Space Fighter X / Fantasywar \ alcoatjez on 16th July 2006, 13:12 wrote:
Can you dump GB carts? I have an unlicensed crappy 200-in-1 cart for GB. I can send it for dumping.Dont talk to many crap! Ok FF8 Boxarts looks pirated but any game on a real cartridge is interesting!!! We want a dump! Pirated or Unlicensed! Everything!!!