Another DAT Question - Country Codes

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Another DAT Question - Country Codes

Post by root »

Rif: 600 Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ jcrouse on 13th May 2006, 12:41 wrote:

Is EVERY game supposed to have a country code? I run all of my emulators on an arcade cabinet. I use a front-end called MameWAH. I just finished writing a utility so create filtered game lists for use in MameWAH, based on country codes. About 95+ percent of the games have them, SNES and Nintendo anyways. Are the ones that are missing them errors in the naming and DAT file? If so I would like to report these so the author can have a look. If not, I will have to modify my code to handle the exceptions somehow.

Thanks you,


Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ Macarro on 13th May 2006, 13:18 wrote:

I think it would be great if we could split our romsets or automatically create splitted lists using game regions.

By the way, I haven't made yet a little tutorial for your snapshot watcher wraper, jcrouse. I must do it soon.


Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ jcrouse on 13th May 2006, 13:53 wrote:
By the way, I haven't made yet a little tutorial for your snapshot watcher wraper, jcrouse. I must do it soon.
Macarro ....... I think you have me confused with someone else? Also, did you get me PM about the Vectrex graphics.



Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ Macarro on 13th May 2006, 14:58 wrote:

Yes, I wrote you a mail yesterday with my email and scan specifications, maybe it´s in your spam folder.

And yes, I´ve confused you with Lustar ;) , I´ve just read the readme from closemul a he´s the author.


Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ jcrouse on 13th May 2006, 16:18 wrote:

Can't find it. I even check my Spam Filter at work. Oh well, drop me another one to (no spam filters there )



Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ Yakushi~Kabuto on 13th May 2006, 21:06 wrote:
Is EVERY game supposed to have a country code? I run all of my emulators on an arcade cabinet. I use a front-end called MameWAH. I just finished writing a utility so create filtered game lists for use in MameWAH, based on country codes. About 95+ percent of the games have them, SNES and Nintendo anyways. Are the ones that are missing them errors in the naming and DAT file? If so I would like to report these so the author can have a look. If not, I will have to modify my code to handle the exceptions somehow.

Thanks you,
If a game was (officially) designed for a market, then yes it is supposed to have a country code according to the recommended naming standards (which are WIP btw). What are those entries missing a country code? Please name a few.


Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ Connie on 13th May 2006, 22:55 wrote:

Also note that naming conventions (especially No-Intro) make use of double sets of brackets, which may be hard to configure for filtering purposes.

Examples are [BIOS] or [A GAME SET TYPE] used at the beginning of a game dump name and then [A GAME CODE], (VERSION) or (A GAME SET TYPE), etc, used at the end of a game dump name. So filtering for (E), (U) or (Mx) codes would be difficult without a specificaly configured frontend DAT/database.


Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ jcrouse on 13th May 2006, 23:18 wrote:

My tool is quite simple. It starts at the beginning of the file name and looks for the first "(" and then the first ")". Then it interperates everything in between as the country code(s). If a true "standard" is used this should be sufficient. For instance you intelligent use of "[" and "]" for the prefixes is a GREAT idea.

Please comment,


Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ Connie on 14th May 2006, 01:18 wrote:

What would differ (in your filter) between "Bob (E) (v1.0)" and "Bob (E) (v1.1)"?

Would it skip the second - probably the 'more important' ROM?

Automerged Doublepost

I see where you are going so I flicked through a few ROM sets.

These would cause you problems:
Frogger + River Raid + Activision Decathlon, The + Beamrider (Arcade Classic Pak) (UE)
Ordtaevling (SW)
Fire Eaters - Zero Bandits (Black Belt Challenge) (E) (Demo)


Re: Another DAT Question - Country Codes \ jcrouse on 14th May 2006, 02:32 wrote:

I am adding version checking now as an option to get all or select the latest. You are correct, the other three examples would create issues. That is why I am asking about the standards.

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