AV Dragon Mahjang problem

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AV Dragon Mahjang problem

Post by arkazal »

Hello there, I recently acquired a torrent of your NES set from HDDX, but it seems the moron that uploaded the torrent included files that were missing their headers (I'm guessing he used that clrmamepro crap, which I don't dare mess around with). For this particular game, AV Dragon Mahjang, his actual ROM file inside the archive has the CRC 3D3FF543, which I believe is the same CRC in your DAT files (which means it's the CRC with the header removed). I found another ROM of this game elsewhere and it has the CRC 8E78A607, but unfortunately it still won't load; it only gives me a gray screen. Is this ROM I downloaded busted as well, or is this just typical behavior for this game and I have the correct CRC? I'm using the FCEUX 2.1.4a emulator.

Any info would be great, thanks.
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C. V. Reynolds
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Joined: 17 Jun 2009 04:42

Re: AV Dragon Mahjang problem

Post by C. V. Reynolds »

Your CRC is correct. Perhaps you have difficulty loading that image because it is an unlicensed game. Some emulators have problems with them.

Please try to open the file with Nestopia and/or Nintendulator, as they are the most accurate NES emulators. The file must have a header to load in Nestopia, but I don't know about Nintendulator. I'm positive that Nestopia will work with that game.

Also, if you get a hex editor, you can add, remove, or edit headers to ROM images by hand. I've done it several times. Of course, sites like romhacking.net also carry programs that will allow you to edit headers easily if you so desire. Bootgod's database is a good help in many cases if you need to know what a game's mapper is.

Re: AV Dragon Mahjang problem

Post by arkazal »

Thanks for the info. And what is this database of bootgod's you speak of?

By the way, I could have sworn I read in numerous places that FCEUX emulates things much better than any other emulator... odd to hear someone say it is less accurate than a couple other emulators.
Russian Spy
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Re: AV Dragon Mahjang problem

Post by Russian Spy »

Database of bootgod:

Re: AV Dragon Mahjang problem

Post by arkazal »

LOL, wow, that site has information I didn't even know people kept. Hell, information I didn't know existed. Very cool. It's great to see such an extensive database for such an amazing generation of games.
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