Ok, I need explanations about this kind of stuff. While I don't symphatize about including unlicensed ROMs in a no-intro dat, I still think it's valid, so no questions about that. But do I have about this ones:
Oekaki Logic 2 (J) (NP)
AV Hanafuda Club (As) (Unl)
AV Kyuukyoku Mahjong 2 (AS) (Unl)
Arctic Adventure - The Penguin & Seal (A) (Unl)
Bard's Tale, The - Tales of the Unknown (J) [a2]
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! - Harukanaru Kin Medal (J) [h]
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (UE) (Alt)
Ordtaevling (SW)
Cybernator (U) (With Sound Test)

Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (CA)
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ Sir VG on 4th December 2006, 03:06 wrote:
Let's see what I remember.
Japanese Nintendo Power ReleaseOekaki Logic 2 (J) (NP)
Australian UnlicensedArctic Adventure - The Penguin & Seal (A) (Unl)
Japanese Alternate Dump #2Bard's Tale, The - Tales of the Unknown (J) [a2]
Japanese Hack.Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! - Harukanaru Kin Medal (J) [h]
US/Europe Alternate DumpBC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (UE) (Alt)
Don't know everything about these though.AV Hanafuda Club (As) (Unl)
AV Kyuukyoku Mahjong 2 (AS) (Unl)
Ordtaevling (SW)
Cybernator (U) (With Sound Test)
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (CA)
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ Zidanax on 4th December 2006, 04:23 wrote:
I can tell you the (CA) means Canada.
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ Lukeage on 4th December 2006, 05:25 wrote:
As/AS is Asia.
SW might be Sweden? (S is already Spainish)
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ generalleoff on 4th December 2006, 05:52 wrote:
Oekaki Logic 2 (J) (NP):
Nintendo Power. It was a service in Japan where Nintendo sold a 32Mbit flash cart and you could flash games on it from a vending machine. Has nothing to do with the US magazine. Most of the time the games are identical to the standard cart versions but some games where only available through this service.
AV Hanafuda Club (As) (Unl):
AV Kyuukyoku Mahjong 2 (AS) (Unl):
Asian Unlisenced. If you are seeing both (As) and (AS) it means their is a typo and you could proly submit a fix report.
Arctic Adventure - The Penguin & Seal (A) (Unl):
Australian Unlicensed in goodtools. Some projects use A as Asia.
Bard's Tale, The - Tales of the Unknown (J) [a2]:
Japanese. Alternate dump 2 meaning their was an alternate dump 1 and an original dump. Most likely only one is real and the rest are bad dumps but no one knows which one until several carts are redumped. Can actually be real (see cybernator).
Bikkuri Nekketsu Shin Kiroku! - Harukanaru Kin Medal (J) [h]:
Hacked in some way. Proly to kill protection and make it work on a copier.
BC's Quest for Tires II - Grog's Revenge (UE) (Alt):
Game released in the US and Europe. Same story as Bard's Tale as far as the alt goes.
Ordtaevling (SW):
Cybernator (U) (With Sound Test):
US Game. Has a sound test feature that an alternate version may lack.
Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (CA):
Canada. Sometimes listed as (FC) for French Canadian. Most games released in Canada are the same as the US games but sometimes a French version is also released. Zelda in this case is in French.
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ Stahn on 4th December 2006, 22:03 wrote:
Ah, the old Goodxxx readme. Forgot about that, sorry.
Why no-intro is keeping hacked ROMs in their dats? Similar reason as alternate dumps? I mean I knew that [h(x)] is a hacked binary, but I didn't know why it was there

And the Cybernator one, shouldn't be tagged as [a1] or (Alt)?
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ FitzRoy on 5th December 2006, 02:31 wrote:
You guys are very nice to explain all this stuff, but it can be completely avoided with a concise website. These kinds of questions are not exactly left field if you think about it. New users aren't going to know what the tag means, and even if they knew the tag, they're not going to know what "alternate" or "overdump" or something connotes.
Also, I'd like to know why Cybernator is for real. Were both versions verified, or are we just making assumptions here?
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ generalleoff on 5th December 2006, 02:57 wrote:
One version of Cybernator has a sound test option and the other does not. As far as if someone re dumped and confirmed these I don't know. The one with a sound test could by all means be a beta. A final testing beta just before full production for example.
There are other cases of SNES ROMs that are strange like that. Civilization and Shadowrun are two good examples. Both versions of Civilization hav totally different title screens and intro sequences while both versions of Shadowrun have drastically different translations. GoodSNES lists one of the Shadowruns as a beta but that to my knowledge has never been confirmed.
The SNES is a system that is really in need of a full organized re dump of every single game. I have done my part in cleaning up what I could the best I can with the NSRT project and others have done there part in other projects but it's really ultimately just a band-aid solution.
The NES and FDS (some of which has already started) is in the same boat and is in more danger and thus should be higher priority.
Re: Questions about ROM tags like (Unl) (A) (a), whatever \ FitzRoy on 6th December 2006, 04:06 wrote:
Yep, SNES needs it, but we're getting there. No-intro and NSRT need to be more in sync with regards to verification. We're making this a lot harder by not communicating. It's way too daunting of a task to not use each other's verifications. Nach wants to document the dumper of each dump, and you guys don't currently go as far as MD5 or SHA1 on your snes DAT. I would like no-intro to start including these on every system dat. It's a negligible precaution to have all three. This doesn't invalidate past verifications in any way, but it would be nice to start doing it before the next 80% of games get bought and dumped.The SNES is a system that is really in need of a full organized re dump of every single game. I have done my part in cleaning up what I could the best I can with the NSRT project and others have done there part in other projects but it's really ultimately just a band-aid solution.
I recently lost a $450 auction over the weekend for a 200 game snes lot. Would have had at least 100 new verifications before the sell-back, but I won't keep bidding up against some crazy bidder and risk incurring a huge loss on the sell-back. The good news though, is that Evan G has a hundred carts and needs a dumping device, so I'm going to let him borrow mine.