Where is the love?...

General No-Intro related discussions.
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Where is the love?...

Post by root »

Rif: 977-1 Where is the love?... \ Connie on 29th November 2006, 11:19 wrote:

Taken from their Naruto Konoha Senki nfo:
Rising Sun Presents
Tonka: On the Job (c) THQ

WRG: We're sorry, but as long as you are involved in
public mass distribution of scene releases and
are friends with an organization which takes
pride in removing intros you are defying all the
handheld scene has stood for within the last 15yrs.
So you won't be getting any love from us anytime soon!

- the hating one

P.S. This is an offical chinese release, not some gay pirate
rom, homemade translation or anything like.
Oh dear! What happened to the Christmas spirit?
Having said that, I'm still not sure what a toy dump truck has to do with Naruto. :?


Re: Where is the love?... \ Stahn on 29th November 2006, 12:03 wrote:

Oh, the emulation scene drama. This couldn't get to a lower level, is it? :P


Re: Where is the love?... \ Sir VG on 29th November 2006, 14:18 wrote:

Typical Rising Sun.

Give me some major support and I'll wipe the floor with them in December. We'll show them what a bunch of people who defy "what the handheld scene has stood for" can do.


Re: Where is the love?... \ ||CUE|| on 29th November 2006, 14:49 wrote:

Yes, a original game:
In China only IQue make gba official carts.


Re: Where is the love?... \ Sir VG on 29th November 2006, 14:59 wrote:

Things are just getting all the better with Rising Sun. Check out their latest NFO for Curious George (E).

This settles it. Everybody, let's all band together to wipe the floor with them in December. I want everybody to pitch in any way they can...donations, carts needing to be dumped, whatever. Let's clean their clocks in December.


Re: Where is the love?... \ Macarro on 29th November 2006, 15:16 wrote:

lol, I want to recive a christmas like that one.

I'm also proud to be member of this preservation project, but maybe we should start to put some kind of watermark in our screenshots, something small like this:


Re: Where is the love?... \ ||CUE|| on 29th November 2006, 15:19 wrote:

More Naruto nfo:

Comparing the RS rom with "Naruto - Konoha Senki (J) [T+Chi(Simp)_BEARTEAM]" (is in GoodGBA): 526 bytes diff.

Comparing the RS rom with "Naruto - Konoha Senki (J) [T+Chi(Simp)_BEARTEAM][a1]" (in GoodGBA too): 119 bytes diff.

Maybe with a new translation: 0 bytes diff.

:) :) :) :) :)

Conclusion: Maybe RS dumped a pirate cart with a chinese translation.


Re: Where is the love?... \ Lukeage on 30th November 2006, 00:46 wrote:

Just reading the NFO Sir VG posted. It amuses me how the scene has some problem with games that are old that have never been released. Shows you that for a lot of it it's a "my dick is bigger than your dick" competition between the release groups.

So RS think they have a bigger dick than you Sir VG. Who gives a fuck. Keep those releases coming because even if they don't appreciate them, a lot of other people do.


Re: Where is the love?... \ KingHanco on 30th November 2006, 03:22 wrote:

My love and care go to no-intro and the dumpers.

P.S. We love you!


Re: Where is the love?... \ RENI on 30th November 2006, 04:29 wrote:
More Naruto nfo:

Comparing the RS rom with "Naruto - Konoha Senki (J) [T+Chi(Simp)_BEARTEAM]" (is in GoodGBA): 526 bytes diff.

Comparing the RS rom with "Naruto - Konoha Senki (J) [T+Chi(Simp)_BEARTEAM][a1]" (in GoodGBA too): 119 bytes diff.

Maybe with a new translation: 0 bytes diff.

:) :) :) :) :)

Conclusion: Maybe RS dumped a pirate cart with a chinese translation.
You're right,||CUE||. There are only 7 official Chinese GBA games.All of them were already dumped.


Re: Where is the love?... \ Connie on 30th November 2006, 09:22 wrote:
2.) We dont support fools like No-Intro, Gbatemp or any Webpages.

....offical chinese release
It certainly isn't No-Intro and it's supporters that are the fools. ;)


Re: Where is the love?... \ kazumi213 on 30th November 2006, 11:56 wrote:

Keep on the good work Sir VG, I love to fill up the gaps in the parent-clone list :P . No-Intro project is beautiful. I can't understand why there's so much hate to it. Thanks to all releasing groups, honest, even if you hate us. Your work is always respected.


Re: Where is the love?... \ 3210123 on 1st December 2006, 02:18 wrote:

Our response, if anyone cares to read it.


Re: Where is the love?... \ RENI on 1st December 2006, 23:27 wrote:

LOL,the words in the red square read: ?2004 Translated by Bear Team.

From Duncan's Unofficial GBA No-Intro Chinese Best Dat:
game (
name "Naruto - Konoha Senki (J) [CHS] [Bear]"
description "Naruto - Konoha Senki (J) [CHS] [Bear]"
rom ( name "Naruto - Konoha Senki (J) [CHS] [Bear].gba" size 6291456 crc 7d2201d1 )
:lol: Learn Chinese,RS.


Re: Where is the love?... \ 3210123 on 2nd December 2006, 02:30 wrote:
:lol: Learn Chinese,RS.
The funny thing is is that they don't have to!
Look at this giant message that appears on loading:
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Joined: 19 May 2008 09:26

Re: Where is the love?...

Post by root »

Rif: 977-2 Re: Where is the love?... \ RENI on 2nd December 2006, 02:52 wrote:

BTW:Take a look at their nfo in My_Animal_Centre_In_Africa_Multi5_EUR_GBA-RS.
Release Notes ...
- --------------- -

Rising Sun & WRG - Brothers in Crime

Nobody can devide our Releationship...

RS 2006 - "On our way to 500!"
WTH.... :?


Re: Where is the love?... \ Connie on 2nd December 2006, 17:29 wrote:

It may well explain why a certain few regular IRC members don't appear to be present any more - along with a certain FTP? Unless of course, they're all on holiday together. :?


Re: Where is the love?... \ RENI on 3rd December 2006, 11:57 wrote:
It may well explain why a certain few regular IRC members don't appear to be present any more - along with a certain FTP? Unless of course, they're all on holiday together. :?
Well...some say that one of our irc +o member whose nick name contains "bot" is busy applying for a job.
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