I asked xuom2 a while ago where I could find a GBA verification list, but it seems it's non-existent

Should I (try to) keep track of them?
I could make a .csv file with title, serial and status (redump needed, verified, bad dump, etc.).
Suggestions are welcome

About 20 of my have been dumped now, so a lot of games will be verified (or not

Cheers, alcoatjez
Re: GBA verification list \ NGEfreak on 1st October 2006, 14:00 wrote:
Yes, it's probably a good idea to collect all old and current verifications in a central list.
For comparison, currently the following information will be needed to get a game 100% verified in the "World Domination Project":
Not everything must be provided to get something verified. The verification will just not be 100% then.Release information:
- exact title from box
- exact country
- any serials from box
- box scan (front)
- box scan (back)
Media information:
- exact title from cartridge
- serial from cartridge label
- any serials or other information printed on PCB and ROM chips
- cartridge scan
- PCB scan
ROM information:
- exact titles from the title screen
- languages
- CRC32
- MD5
- SHA-1
- size
And of course the nickname of the person that verified it.
However, at some point in the far future all incomplete verifications will be dropped. So I'm afraid that most old verifications will also be dropped.

Re: GBA verification list \ Yakushi~Kabuto on 1st October 2006, 14:42 wrote:
I can create a dedicated forum for such a GBA 100% Project with particular rules:
* one thread per game
* no reply allowed
* every member can submit infos by:
o opening a new thread
o editing anyone's post (with an edit log for moderation)
* html allowed and an html form to use for every new info submissions
* when a game is 100%, thread is merged to a sticky with all verified games
Re: GBA verification list \ alcoatjez on 2nd October 2006, 07:44 wrote:
As I said, about 20 of my GBA carts have been dumped and are still in possession of the dumper. I have these all complete with boxes, so we can at least start with these 20 soon