GBA verification list

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GBA verification list

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Rif: 857 GBA verification list \ alcoatjez on 1st October 2006, 09:38 wrote:

I asked xuom2 a while ago where I could find a GBA verification list, but it seems it's non-existent :?
Should I (try to) keep track of them?
I could make a .csv file with title, serial and status (redump needed, verified, bad dump, etc.).
Suggestions are welcome :)
About 20 of my have been dumped now, so a lot of games will be verified (or not ;) ). If I create a list, this hasn't been done for nothing!

Cheers, alcoatjez


Re: GBA verification list \ NGEfreak on 1st October 2006, 14:00 wrote:

Yes, it's probably a good idea to collect all old and current verifications in a central list.

For comparison, currently the following information will be needed to get a game 100% verified in the "World Domination Project":
Release information:

- exact title from box
- exact country
- any serials from box
- box scan (front)
- box scan (back)


Media information:

- exact title from cartridge
- serial from cartridge label
- any serials or other information printed on PCB and ROM chips
- cartridge scan
- PCB scan


ROM information:

- exact titles from the title screen
- languages
- CRC32
- MD5
- SHA-1
- size

And of course the nickname of the person that verified it.
Not everything must be provided to get something verified. The verification will just not be 100% then.

However, at some point in the far future all incomplete verifications will be dropped. So I'm afraid that most old verifications will also be dropped. :cry:


Re: GBA verification list \ Yakushi~Kabuto on 1st October 2006, 14:42 wrote:

I can create a dedicated forum for such a GBA 100% Project with particular rules:

* one thread per game
* no reply allowed
* every member can submit infos by:
o opening a new thread
o editing anyone's post (with an edit log for moderation)
* html allowed and an html form to use for every new info submissions
* when a game is 100%, thread is merged to a sticky with all verified games


Re: GBA verification list \ alcoatjez on 2nd October 2006, 07:44 wrote:

As I said, about 20 of my GBA carts have been dumped and are still in possession of the dumper. I have these all complete with boxes, so we can at least start with these 20 soon :)
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