DoM request: support for DATVault dat format

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DoM request: support for DATVault dat format

Post by Hiccup »

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<dir name="emptydir">
	<dir name="fulldir">
		<rom name="emptyfile" size="0" crc="00000000" sha1="da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709" md5="d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"/>
Could support for this be added? Its basically just some extra types of entries (like dir), for the normal dat format, so it could be added to that. This would streamline adding stuff like empty folders, for "loose file" games that contain those.
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Re: DoM request: support for DATVault dat format

Post by xuom2 »

ok, in the "browse record" page of any archive you should be able to attach files (and emptydirs) in DV format to sources and releases.
please do the tests on the TEST system.
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Re: DoM request: support for DATVault dat format

Post by Hiccup »

xuom2 wrote: 27 Aug 2024 15:15 ok, in the "browse record" page of any archive you should be able to attach files (and emptydirs) in DV format to sources and releases.
please do the tests on the TEST system.
Thanks. I've tested it out a bit, and it seems to work, except it seems like you can't create more than one empty directory? Even if they have different names, it treats them as dupes.
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Re: DoM request: support for DATVault dat format

Post by xuom2 »

that should only be a warning.
but, yes, I can imagine that somewhere it could give that problem.
please give me an example. I tried and got no strange messages.
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