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Hashing of a 30 GB File
BLAKE3 = 16.6 sec
CRC32 = 33.6 sec
MD5 = 69.6 sec
SHA1 = 72.1 sec
SHA256 = 143.4 sec
SHA512 = 105.7 sec
Given its benefits, I would eventually like to see BLAKE3 integrated into DOM as a hash option to help modernize the sets. There are three barriers to its inclusion, of course:
1. We need volunteers who are willing to rehash sets in BLAKE3, as partially-hashed sets aren't useful. Maybe a script could generate compliant XMLs that could be imported?
2. We need tools like ROMVault to develop the ability to scan and rebuild sets solely on their BLAKE3 hashes.
3. We need to decide whether to replace SHA256 with BLAKE3 for new entries.
What say you all? Good idea to implement eventually?