I just want to mention, that you you should clean the exif data before uploading any images to either the forum or directly to the DoM. I found some more sensitive info f.e. GPS information on some examples I took from the forum.
The simplest way to prevent the biggest damage, is to disable saving of the GPS position of a picture to take.
GPS data exposes the most private information (most of the time the location where you took the picture).
But there is more data, thats get written usually into the picture file. F.e. the exact camera/smartphone model, the time and more.
There are also tools for removing (all) exif data.
I use this on linux, but it works on windows and mac too:
This is the command is use (removes all the exif tags in place)
Code: Select all
exiftool -overwrite_original -all= <file>
There should be solutions for the graphical interface too. Google should help.
Could we implement something like a exif stripper on the DoM or maybe even on the forum. Imo less data is better in this case