Also, on a semi-related note, I have a few (different) decrypted wii u vc dumps here, but I don't know where the rom is stored in the info, so if anyone can give me a heads up on that I'd appreciate it.

I have a pretty good hunch for the GBA stuff, the rpx for them is usually ~1.5MB so it's too small for them to be embedded in. There's a varying size (usually 30-50mb) alldata.bin in the /content folder that seems like the only likely candidate but I don't know where the rom starts and ends inside of that because searching for bytes in a normal rom doesn't give me anything useful. I'll take a look at the inject stuff though, I hadn't thought about that, thanks for the heads up.Hiccup wrote:you should find some info on where the ROMs are stored in the various "VC injecting" tutorials on the web. e.g. nes is stored in the RPX, I think.
I'll give it a shot. the first byte is probably leftovers (almost definitely, from the experience I've had reading gba in hex tonight it seems that every header starts with 2E) from the stuff before that, so if byteswapping can fix that then I can just pad the end with one byte of 00. I'm just really curious about all these wii u vc roms, but all my attempts have been a mess so farKingMike wrote:Just from a quick glace at the photos, the dumped data looks byteswapped, if you ignore the first byte.
How about using a program to swap each pair of bytes?
Hiccup wrote:Yep, ROMs in the memory are byteswapped.
Okay, I'll go ahead and post them then.Hiccup wrote:I'd say yes. I posted the others, and they seem to have been accepted