1. Basic rules
- Be respectful of all users at all times.
- Please keep discussions on topic.
- Don't spam (unsolicited advertising).
- This site is an English language site. Please post in English only.
- Explicit profanity/swearing, sexually oriented or violent content, images, or links to these things are not allowed.
- Politics and/or religion related discussions are not allowed.
- Posting or requesting ROMs/ISO, ROMs/ISO patches and Warez is strictly forbidden.
- Postings about how to emulate/crack ROMs and ISO or how to modify your console are not allowed.
- The main topic of this forum is ROM dumps.
- Discussions about the quality of games and/or consoles should be held on other sites.
- Product names and images used on this website are trademarks of their respective owners, with which we are in no way associated or affiliated.
- These trademarks of other manufacturers are used solely to identify said products.